Sunday, November 21, 2010

My Favorite Web 2.0 Tools

My favorite two Web 2.0 tools are blogs and social networking sites.  I just recently started using blogs and I actually find them very interesting.  Blogs are useful to allow people to not only post their opinions about certain topics but they also provide examples or helpful tools that assist people.  Another thing I love about blogs is that people do not have to understand HTML in order to create one.  It's very simple to create and follow. 

My second favorite Web 2.0 tool is social networking sites.  This is a favorite tool of mine because it allows people to not only connect with friends around the globe, but it can also help you with your career.  As sad as this may sound, sometimes getting a job is not about what you know but who you know.  Although employers will not speak the truth about this, I know this is true because I've been hired by people I know.  Social networking sites are increasing by the numbers but users also have to take precautions to protect their privacy.  Most users on these sites such as facebook or myspace does not block their profiles which allows outsiders to access personal information.  My biggest fear with social networking sites is protection for little kids that are now allowed to access this site also.  There are several kids using the site for negative actions such as exposing body parts, using foul language, or starting confrontation.  Facebook is dominating the social networking sites with millions of online users across the globe. However, I wish the site would reinforce the policy of making it a requirement to have a college email address in order to have access.  Parents needs to be more involved in what their kids are doing and for those kids that are abusing the sites, parents need to block their access to these sites.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Examples of Multimedia

The two examples of multimedia that I would incorporate in my classroom are Instructional software and Interactive books and eBooks.  Instructional software examples:  Drills -- I love using flash cards because it enhances the learning experience using repetition to help them learn the material.  As a teacher, I will be the leader and go through the cards daily for about a week.  The following week, I'll have the students spread the cards out and ask them to pick out random cards that I name.  It's easier to start using picture flash cards and the more developed a student becomes (matching the word with the picture) the easier it will be for them to incorporate the word in their vocabulary.  Tutorials -- students are able to move on to new topics if they mastered the prior subject or remain with the topic until they have mastered it.  The only downfall about tutorials is it's not hand-ons.  So students don't have the option to give much input about what they are learning.  Simulations -- Students are able to simulate live learning experiences.  A good example for simulation is a class project to make Pumpkins around the Thanksgiving holiday.  Students are able to watch what I do and perform the same task.  Instructional games -- Of course this is my all time favorite because it's a fun and rewarding process.  I would only allow students to enjoy this type of software during down-time and of course students that are rewarded for good behavior would get a kick out of this. Problem solving -- This method is good to help students understand why a series of events led to a solution.  This is often seen in Math and Science.  As a teacher, I would practice this method a lot just to make sure students understand how to find the solution to a problem.

I would also use Interactive books and eBooks because I feel if students learn to read and understand what they read, not only would they improve their reading skills but this also helps them to expand their vocabulary.  Its fun to learn new words that students can incooperate in their vocabulary to expand their knowledge based brain-dictionary.  This type of multimedia will prepare them for their life journey

Softwares to be Used in the Classroom

All subjects in school are important.  However, in my opinion, the most important 2 subjects are reading and math.  Now although I'm school with a goal to teach K-6 grade students, I have not yet experienced the joy of doing this.  The reason I feel Reading and Math are the most important subjects is because I have a 3rd grade daughter and a 1st grade son whose teachers focus more on this subject than anything else.  With that said, we have found several good website that allow drill and practice, problem solving, and instructional games). Once I began my teaching career, the sites that I KNOW I will use in my classroom are,, and  Each of these sites provide an enjoyable learning experience.  My kids are anxious to finish their homework when they arrive from school to play on these sites.  It attracts their attention while teaching them at the same time.  The games are easy to follow and provide learning instruction.  When my kids get an answer wrong, the game tells them why the answer is incorrect.  I feel that my students will love to get good behavior and be rewarded with playing these sites during down-time.

Educational Technology

There are several issues shaping the role of technology in education.  However, I'll only discuss 3 that I feel are the most important issues.  The first one is Privacy and safety.  People have to have the proper software in place on their computers to block outsiders from stealing their identity.  I remember when there was a time that people didn't focus too much on their credit score.  However because of the knowledge that hackers have to get into anyones system from a remote location, people are more concern about identity theft and their credit score.  It only takes one slip up for your life to be in someones hand.  Another thing that harmful is the online predators that come after our children or even grown family members.  Their identity is blocked and this type of safety has to be protected.  Meeting a person that you met on line may cause you to loose your life.  As a parent, I block all sites on my computer so that my kids don't have access to roam and end up on the wrong site.  The second issue is Viruses and hacking.  It seems the more technology grows and expands, the more protection is needing to block people with bad intentions from harming the computers and individuals.  Users have to be more cautious to websites they visit because clicking on the wrong link or opening an unknown email, can destroy your computer within seconds.  So not only has the cost of technology increased, the cost to protect your computer has also increased.  Hackers are quick to invade privacy on a customers computer and steal their identity.  It makes me question if I need a computer.  However with technology growing so fast, the only way to keep up is to not get too far behind them (I say at least one foot away).  The third issue is the Role of Distance Education.  This issue hits real close to home because I am an online student.  With my busy schedule, 3 kids, and a husband, the only means I have to educate myself is through online classes.  Is it possible for online students to get the same education as a student who attends the class in personl?  This is a question I always get from people who know I'm an online student.  The answer is YES.  There have been times when things around the home need your attention more, but if the drive is there you can succeed.

Three things that we have learned from the history of educational technology is: 1.  Technology is constantly changing so quickly that teachers may never catch up to the changes occurring. Each year, there will be new instruction provided on the methods of teaching and to keep students up to par, teachers will have to adjust and accept the new changes.  2.  When computers were first introduced, developers thought that some teacher jobs will be replaced with computers.  However, the more advanced technology grows, the more teachers are needed to help instruct students on how to adjust to these changes.  3.  Looking at past technology is what helps us shape the future of technology.  We learn from our mistakes to make sure we don't go backwards but step forward.  The past has helped shape us.