Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Examples of Multimedia

The two examples of multimedia that I would incorporate in my classroom are Instructional software and Interactive books and eBooks.  Instructional software examples:  Drills -- I love using flash cards because it enhances the learning experience using repetition to help them learn the material.  As a teacher, I will be the leader and go through the cards daily for about a week.  The following week, I'll have the students spread the cards out and ask them to pick out random cards that I name.  It's easier to start using picture flash cards and the more developed a student becomes (matching the word with the picture) the easier it will be for them to incorporate the word in their vocabulary.  Tutorials -- students are able to move on to new topics if they mastered the prior subject or remain with the topic until they have mastered it.  The only downfall about tutorials is it's not hand-ons.  So students don't have the option to give much input about what they are learning.  Simulations -- Students are able to simulate live learning experiences.  A good example for simulation is a class project to make Pumpkins around the Thanksgiving holiday.  Students are able to watch what I do and perform the same task.  Instructional games -- Of course this is my all time favorite because it's a fun and rewarding process.  I would only allow students to enjoy this type of software during down-time and of course students that are rewarded for good behavior would get a kick out of this. Problem solving -- This method is good to help students understand why a series of events led to a solution.  This is often seen in Math and Science.  As a teacher, I would practice this method a lot just to make sure students understand how to find the solution to a problem.

I would also use Interactive books and eBooks because I feel if students learn to read and understand what they read, not only would they improve their reading skills but this also helps them to expand their vocabulary.  Its fun to learn new words that students can incooperate in their vocabulary to expand their knowledge based brain-dictionary.  This type of multimedia will prepare them for their life journey

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